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International Bureau 



(51) International Patent Classification 6 
GOIN 27/26, 27/02, 27/28 


(11) International Publication Number: 
(43) International Publication Date: 

WO 99/32881 

1 July 1999 (01.07.99) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US98/27203 

(22) International Filing Date: 21 December 1998 (2L12.98) 

(30) Priority Data: 


22 December 1997 (22.1 2.97) US 

(63) Related by Continuation (CON) or Continue tion-in-Part 
(CIP) to Earlier Application 

US 08/996,280 (CIP) 

Filed on 22 December 1 997 (22. 1 2.97) 

(71) Applicant ijor all designated States except US): ROCHE 

Road. P.O. Box 50528, Indianapolis, IN 46250-0528 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BEATY, Terry, Allen 
[US/US]; 7251 Lakeside Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46278 
(US). KUHN, Lance, Scott [US/US]; 8334 Barstow Drive, 
Fishers, IN 46038 (US). SVETNIK, Vladimir [US/US]; 539 
Cedar Lake Court, Carmel, IN 46032 (US). BURKE, David, 
W. [US/US]; Apartment D, 1931 Madison Court, Carmel, 
IN 46032 (US). 

(74) Agent: CONARD, Richard, D.; Barnes & Thomburg, 1 1 South 
Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (US). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BO, BR, 
BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, 
GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, 
KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, 
MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, 
SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, 
ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, 
ZW). Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, 
TM), European patent (AT. BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, 
FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF. CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, 
SN, TD, TG), 


With international search report. 

(54) Title: METER 

(57) Abstract 


An apparatus (31, 32, 132) and 
method for determining the concentration 
of a medically significant component (for 
example, glucose) of a biological fluid (for 
example, blood) comprise providing a cell 
(3 1 ) for receiving a sample of the fluid (for 
example, blood). The cell (31) supports 
a chemistry which reacts with the medi- 
cally significant component (for example, 
glucose), and first and second terminals 
across which the reaction of the chem- 
istry with the medically significant com- 
ponent can be assessed. An instrument 
(32, 132) has first (34-2, 134-2) and sec- 
ond (34-3, 134-3) terminals complemen- 
tary to the first and second terminals, re- 
spectively, of the cell (31). An assessment 
controller (52, 54, 148, 158) is provided. 
The apparatus determines the type of sam- 
ple and the concentration of a medically 
significant component of the sample. 


Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT. 




































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Bosnia and Herzegovina 




Republic of Moldova 
















The former Yugoslav 




Burkina Faso 



Republic of Macedonia 










Trinidad and Tobago 
























United States of America 










Central African Republic 






Viet Nam 


















Cdte d'lvoire 


Democratic People's 


New Zealand 



Republic of Korea 






Republic of Korea 










Czech Republic 


Saint Lucia 


Russian Federation 










Sri Lanka 









wo 99/32881 



Background of the Invention 

This invention relates to methods and apparatus for improving the 
5 accuracy of measurements made with instruments of the type described in, for 

example, U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; and 5,508,171. 

The invention is disclosed in the context of such an instrument, but is believed to be 

useful in other instruments of this general type as well. 

There are a number of instruments for the determination of the 
10 concentrations of biologically significant components of bodily fluids, such as, for 

example, the glucose concentration of blood. There are, for example, the instruments 

described in U. S. Patents: 3,770,607; 3,838,033; 3,902,970; 3,925,183; 3,937,615; 

4,005,002; 4,040,908; 4,086,631; 4,123,701; 4,127,448; 4,214,968; 4,217,196; 

4,224,125; 4,225,410; 4,230,537; 4,260,680; 4,263,343; 4,265,250; 4,273,134; 
15 4,301,412; 4,303,887; 4,366,033; 4,407,959; 4,413,628; 4,420,564; 4,431,004; 

4,436,094; 4,440,175; 4,477,314; 4,477,575; 4,499,423; 4,517,291; 4,654,197; 

4,671,288; 4,679,562; 4,682,602; 4,703,756; 4,711,245; 4,734,184; 4,750,496; 

4,759,828; 4,789,804; 4,795,542; 4,805,624; 4,816,224; 4,820,399; 4,897,162; 

4,897,173; 4,919,770; 4,927,516; 4,935,106; 4,938,860; 4,940,945; 4,970,145; 
20 4,975,647; 4,999,582; 4,999,632; 5,108,564; 5,128,015; 5,243,516; 5,269,891; 

5,288,636; 5,312,762; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; 5,395,504; 5,469,846; 5,508,171; 

5,508,203; and 5,509,410: German Patent Specification 3,228,542: European Patent 

Specifications: 206,218; 230,472; 241,309; 255,291; and, 471,986: and, Japanese 

Pubhshed Patent Applications JP 63-128,252 and 63-1 1 1,453. There are also the 
25 methods and apparatus described in: Talbott, et al, "A New Microchemical Approach 

to Amperometric Analysis," Microchemical Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 5-12 (1988); Morris, 

et al, "An Electrochemical Capillary Fill Device for the Analysis of Glucose 

Incorporating Glucose Oxidase and Ruthenium (III) Hexamine as Mediator, 

Electroanalysis," Vol. 4, pp. 1-9 (1992); Cass, et al, "Ferrocene-Mediated Enzyme 
30 Electrode for Amperometric Determination of Glucose," Anal. Chem., Vol. 56, pp. 

667-671 (1984); Zhao, "Contributions of Suspending Medium to Electrical 

Impedance of Blood," Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Vol. 1201, pp. 179-185 (1994); 

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Zhao, "Electrical Impedance and Haematocrit of Human Blood with Various 
Anticoagulants," Physiol. Meas., Vol. 14, pp. 299-307 (1993); MuUer, et al., 
"Influence of Hematocrit and Platelet Coxant on Impedance and Reactivity of Whole 
Blood for Electrical Aggregometry," Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological 
5 Methods, Vol 34, pp. 17-22 (1995); Preidel, et al, "In Vitro Measurements with 

Electrocataiytic Glucose Sensor in Blood," Biomed. Biochim. Acta, Vol. 48, pp. 897- 
903 (1989); Preidel, et al, "Glucose Measurements by Electrocataiytic Sensor in the 
Extracorporeal Blood Circulation of a Sheep," Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 2, 
pp.257-263 (1990); Saeger, et al, "Influence of Urea on the Glucose Measurement by 

10 Electrocataiytic Sensor in the Extracorporeal Blood Circulation of a Sheep," Biomed. 
Biochim. Acta, Vol. 50, pp. 885-891 (1991); Kasapbasioglu, et al, "An Impedance 
Based Ultra-Thin Platinum Island Film Glucose Sensor," Sensors and Actuators B, 
Vol. 13-14, pp. 749-751 (1993); Beyer, et al, "Development and Application of aNew 
Enzyme Sensor Type Based on the ElS-Capacitance Structure for Bioprocess 

15 Control," Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol. 9, pp. 17-21 (1994); Mohri, et al, 

"Characteristic Response of Electrochemical Nonlinearity to Taste Compounds with a 
Gold Electrode Modified with 4-Aminobenzenethiol," Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 66, 
pp. 1328-1332 (1993); Cardosi, et al, "The Realization of Electron Transfer from 
Biological Molecules to Electrodes. " Biosensors Fundamentals and Applications , chapt. 

20 15 (Turner, et al, eds., Oxford University Press, 1987); Mell, et al, "Amperometric 
Response Enhancement of the Immobihzed Glucose Oxidase Enzyme Electrode," 
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 48, pp. 1597-1601 (Sept. 1976); Mell, et al, "A Model for 
the Amperometric Enzyme Electrode Obtained Through Digital Simulation and 
Applied to the Immobihzed Glucose Oxidase System," Anal5^ical Chemistry, Vol. 47, 

25 pp. 299-307 (Feb. 1975); Myland, et al, "Membrane-Covered Oxygen Sensors: An 
Exact Treatment of the Switch-on Transient," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 
Vol. 131, pp. 1815-1823 (Aug. 1984); Bradley, et al, "Kinetic Analysis of Enzyme 
Electrode Response," Anal. Chem., Vol. 56, pp. 664-667 (1984); 
Koichi,"Measurements of Current-Potential Curves, 6, Cottrell Equation and its 

30 Analogs. What Can We Know from Chronoamperometry?" Denki Kagaku oyobi 
Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku, Vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 471-5 (1986); Williams, et al, 
"Electrochemical-Enzymatic Analysis of Blood Glucose and Lactate," Analytical 

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Chemistry, Vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 118-121 (Jan. 1970); and, Gebhardt, et al, 
"Electrocatalytic Glucose Sensor," Siemens Forsch.-u. Entwickl.-Ber, Bd., Vol. 12, 
pp. 91-95 (1983). This listing is not intended as a representation that a complete 
search of all relevant prior art has been conducted, or that no better references than 
5 those listed exist. Nor should any such representation be inferred. 

Disclosure of the Invention 

According to one aspect of the invention, an apparatus for determining 
the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid comprises a 

1 0 cell for receiving a sample of the fluid. The cell supports a chemistry which reacts with 
the medically significant component and first and second terminals across which the 
reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed. 
The apparatus fiirther comprises an instrument having first and second terminals 
complementary to the first and second terminals, respectively, of the cell. Placement of 

1 5 the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the first and second terminals, 
respectively, of the instrument permits the instrument to assess the reaction. The 
instrument includes an assessment controller for applying across the first and second 
terminals of the instrument a first signal, determining a first response of the cell to the 
first signal, and determining based upon the first response whether to proceed with the 

20 determination of the concentration of the medically significant component of the 
biological fluid. 

According to another aspect of the invention, an apparatus for 
determining the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid 
comprises a cell for receiving a sample of the fluid. The cell supports a chemistry 

25 which reacts with the medically significant component and first and second terminals 
across which the reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component 
can be assessed. The apparatus fiirther comprises an instrument having first and 
second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, respectively, of the 
cell. Placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the first and 

30 second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permits the instrument to assess the 
reaction. The instrument includes an assessment controller for applying across the first 
and second terminals of the instrument a first signal, determining a first correction 

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value in response of the cell to the first signal, assessing the reaction of the medically 
significant component with the chemistry and combining the correction value with the 
result of the reaction assessment to produce an indication of the concentration of the 
medically significant component in the sample. 
5 According to another aspect of the invention, an apparatus for 

determining the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid 
comprises a cell for receiving a sample of the fluid. The cell supports a chemistry 
whdch reacts with the medically significant component and first and second terminals 
across which the reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component 

10 can be assessed. The apparatus fiirther comprises an instrument having first and 

second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, respectively, of the 
cell. Placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the first and 
second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permits the instrument to assess the 
reaction. The instrument includes an assessment controller for applying across the first 

1 5 and second terminals of the instrument a first signal, determining the identity of the 
sample in response of the cell to the first signal, and producing an indication of the 
identity of the sample. 

According to yet another aspect of the invention, a method for 
determining the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid 

20 comprises providing a cell for receiving a sample of the fluid, and providing on the cell 
a chemistry which reacts with the medically significant component and first and second 
terminals across which the reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant 
component can be assessed. The method fiarther comprises providing an instrument 
having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, 

25 respectively, of the cell. Placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 

contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permits the 
instrument to assess the reaction. The method further comprises providing in the 
instrument an assessment controller, causing the assessment controller to apply across 
the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal, causing the assessment 

30 controller to determine a first response of the cell to the first signal, and causing the 
assessment controller to determine, based upon the first response, whether to proceed 

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with the determination of the concentration of the medically significant component of 
the biological fluid. 

According to a further aspect of the invention, a method for 
determining the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid 
5 comprises providing a cell for receiving a sample of the fluid, and providing on the cell 
a chemistry which reacts with the medically significant component and first and second 
terminals across which the reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant 
component can be assessed. The method further comprises providing an instrument 
having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, 

10 respectively, of the cell. Placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 

contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permits the 
instrument to assess the reaction. The method further comprises providing in the 
instrument an assessment controller, causing the assessment controller to apply across 
the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal, to determine a first 

15 correction value in response to the first signal, to assess the reaction of the medically 
significant component with the chemistry, and to combine the correction value with the 
result of the reaction assessment to produce an indication of the concentration of the 
medically significant component in the sample. 

According to a further aspect of the invention, a method for 

20 determining the concentration of a medically significant component of a biological fluid 
comprises providing a cell for receiving a sample of the fluid, and providing on the cell 
a chemistry which reacts with the medically significant component and first and second 
terminals across which the reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant 
component can be assessed. The method further comprises providing an instrument 

25 having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, 
respectively, of the cell Placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 
contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permits the 
instrument to assess the reaction. The method further comprises providing in the 
instrument an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals 

30 of the instrument a first signal, determining the identity of the sample in response of the 
cell to the first signal, and producing an indication of the identity of the sample. 

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lUustratively, the first signal comprises a signal having an AC 
component. Further illustratively, the first signal comprises an AC signal. 

Additionally illustratively, the method of, and apparatus for, 
determining the correction value, the method of, and apparatus for, determining the 
5 identity of the sample, and the method of, and apparatus for, determining whether to 
proceed with the determination of the concentration of the medically significant 
component of the biological fluid comprise the step of, and apparatus for, determining 
the impedance across terminals of the cell. 

10 Brief Description of the Drawings 

The invention may best be understood by referring to the following 
detailed description and accompanying drawings which illustrate the invention. In the 

Fig. 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of a circuit useful in 
1 5 understanding the invention; 

Fig. 2 illustrates a partly block and partly schematic diagram of an 
instrument constructed according to the present invention; 

Fig. 3 illustrates a partly block and partly schematic diagram of another 
instrument constructed according to the present invention; 
20 Fig. 4 illustrates a partly block and partly schematic diagram of another 

instrument constructed according to the present invention; 

Fig. 5 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several forty 
second glucose concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions; 

Fig. 6 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several ten 
25 second glucose concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions; and. 
Fig. 7 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several ten 
second glucose concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions. 

Detailed Descriptions of Illustrative Embodiments 
30 Instruments are known which employ devices such as disposable 

mediated amperometric cells (sometimes referred to hereinafter as biosensors) which 
provide, for example, characteristic electrical impedances when treated with biological 

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fluids, blood or urine for example, having certain corresponding concentrations of 
biologically significant components, such as, for example, glucose. Such measurement 
systems are known to be susceptible to variations in the temperature of the biological 
fluids and to interference by the presence in the biological fluids of other components, 
5 known and sometimes referred to hereinafl:er as interferrents. In many cases, these 
sources of error have effects on the biosensor output of the same order of magnitude 
as the concentration of the component, measurement of which is sought. It may not be 
possible to develop a biosensor which will measure only the concentration of the 
component whose concentration is sought in the presence of these sources of error. 

10 An example of this phenomenon is the hematocrit interference in a biosensor of the 
type described in U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846 and, 
5,508,171, with the determination of the glucose concentration of whole blood. Since 
all whole blood contains red blood cells, and since the hematocrit can vary over a fairly 
wide range in individuals who might wish to rely upon such biosensor testing, the 

15 utility of a hematocrit-compensated glucose biosensor is clear. 

Equally problematic is the sensitivity of many commercially available 
biosensors to the volume of the dopant biological fluid. In the case of glucose 
concentration of whole blood, for example, many presently available biosensors are 
sensitive to the volume of blood with which they are doped for determination of 

20 glucose concentration. Since many of the tests which are presently being conducted 
using biosensors are being conducted by people who are monitoring, for example, the 
glucose concentrations of their own blood, the volumes of the blood samples with 
which the biosensors are doped are not predictable with a great degree of certainty. 
While the careful design of the biosensor itself can prevent some errors, such as 

25 undoped biosensors, substantially underdoped biosensors and substantially overdoped 
biosensors, for example, it cannot practically take into account the full range of doping 
volume variation. 

We have discovered that measurement of the real component or the 
imaginary component, or both, of the AC impedance of an appropriately designed 

30 biosensor provides reasonable insight into sample temperature and the concentrations 
of certain physical and chemical interferrents. In biosensors of the general tj^^es 
described in U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; 5,508,171; 

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5,437,999; and, U.S.S.N, 08/985,840, filed December 5, 1997 and assigned to the 
same assignee as this application, such physical interferrents include, for example, 
hematocrit, and such chemical interferrents include, for example, bilirubin, uric acid 
and oxygen. We have discovered that measurement of the real component or the 
5 imaginary component, or both, of the AC impedance of an appropriately designed 
biosensor also provides reasonable insight into the volume of a sample with which the 
biosensor is doped, and the identity of that sample; that is, whether the sample is a 
sample of blood or some other bodily fluid, or a sample of some control used, for 
example, in calibration or troubleshooting of the instrument. We have discovered that 

10 sample temperature, the concentrations of such physical and chemical interferrents, the 
identity of the sample and the sample volume can be ascertained at judiciously selected 
AC fi-equencies, providing reasonable isolation of the determinations of the eflfects of 
sample temperature, interferrent concentrations and sample volume and identity firom 
each other, and thereby increasing the accuracy of, for example, the interferrent effect 

1 5 determinations, and their subsequent correction out of the indicated glucose 

concentration. We have also found that the speeds at which acceptably accurate 
readings of corrected glucose concentration are obtained can be markedly reduced. 
The appropriately designed biosensor must be able to tolerate the determination of 
these AC impedances, using, for example, AC signals having peak amplitudes in the 

20 range of a few tens of millivolts, without jeopardizing the measurement of the glucose 
concentration, which the biosensor will perform either before, concurrently with, or 
after it performs the AC impedance determination. 

By way of example only, we have determined that in biosensors of the 
type described inU. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; 

25 5,508,171; 5,437,999; and, U.S.S.N. 08/985,840, it is possible to employ a low- 
magnitude, for example, less than about 40mV rms or so, AC signal in the range of 
less than about . IHz to lOKHz or so with no DC offset to compensate for sample 
temperature, hematocrit, bilirubin concentration, uric acid concentration and oxygen 
concentration, and to determine identity of the sample with which the biosensor is 

30 dosed, and adequacy of dosed blood sample volume for a test for glucose 

concentration. We have determined, for example, that at about 1300Hz, both 
hematocrit and glucose concentration have relatively little eflfect on AC impedance. 

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while sample volume and sample identity have relatively substantially greater, fairly 
readily ascertainable, effects on AC impedance. This provides an ideal way to 
determine the adequacy of the sample volume with which the biosensor is dosed and 
the identity of the sample. If the sample is determined to be blood, and the sample 
5 volume is determined to be inadequate to test meaningfully for hematocrit, glucose 
concentration, and so on, the test is discontinued and the user is notified of the 
discontinuance of the test. 

We have determined that the combined effect of sample temperature 
and hematocrit can fairly effectively be isolated from other physical and chemical 

1 0 interferrents of interest using frequencies in the range of from about 2KHz to about 
lOKHz. So, for example, once the adequacy of the sample volume for test has been 
established, a 2KHz signal can be apphed to the biosensor and the real and imaginary 
components of impedance of the biosensor/sample system can be determined. This 
indicated impedance can be adjusted by an experimentally determined scaling factor 

15 governed by, among other things, the characteristics of the biosensor and the 
instrument, and combined with an indicated glucose concentration to arrive at a 
glucose concentration compensated for the combined effects of sample temperature 
and hematocrit. 

These determinations illustratively are made before the amperometric 
20 determination of the glucose concentration of the blood sample. DC offset may be 
avoided, if necessary, to reduce the hkelihood of affecting the amperometric 
determination of the glucose concentration which, it must be remembered, is going to 
be conducted subsequently in the illustrated embodiments. Similar procedures can be 
conducted, again in the illustrated embodiments before the amperometric 
25 determination of the glucose concentration, to determine the concentrations of other 
interferrents with chemistry for the glucose concentration determination, such as 
bilirubin, uric acid and oxygen. These determinations are conducted at frequencies at 
which their effects upon each other £ind upon other physical and chemical interferrents 
will be optimally decoupled from each other. For example, if, in the chemistry system 
30 of the amperometric cell, bilirubin and uric acid are chemical interferrents with each 
other, a frequency or range of frequencies should be selected for the bilirubin 
concentration determination, which frequency or range of frequencies is optimally 

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unaffected by the concentrations of uric acid and any other physical and chemical 
interferrents in the sample. Similarly, a frequency must be selected for the uric acid 
concentration determination which is optimally unaffected by the concentrations of 
bilirubin and any other physical and chemical interferrents in the sample. In each case, 
5 however, the determined impedance is converted either directly or via a concentration 
determination which can also be displayed to the user or stored in the instrument for 
fixture reference, to a correction factor for application to the indicated glucose 
concentration in order to arrive at a more accurate glucose concentration 

10 The methods and apparatus are believed best understood by 

consideration of the equivalent circuit of an amperometric sensor of the type described 
inU. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; 5,508,171; 5,437,999; 
and, U.S. S.N. 08/985,840. That equivalent circuit is illustrated in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, a 
resistor 20 represents the uncompensated resistance of the amperometric cell, a 

15 capacitor 22 represents the capacitance attributable to the double layer of charge on 
the dosed cell with potential applied, a resistor 24 represents the charge transfer 
resistance of the cell's chemistry, and a resistor 26 and a capacitor 28 represent the so- 
called Warburg impedance. While the lumped electrical parameter models of other 
types of amperometric sensors may differ jfrom the model illustrated in Fig. 1, similar 

20 analyses of those models will yield conclusions similar to those reached here, namely, 
that the real and imaginary components of the cells' or biosensors' electrical 
impedances provide techniques for determining quantitatively with some reasonable 
degree of accuracy the effects of interferrent concentrations, sample volume and 
sample identity on the concentration of a biologically significant component of a 

25 sample of a body fluid. These conclusions give the instrument and cell designer useful 
techniques for determining the adequacy of the volume of a sample appUed to a 
biosensor, for determining the identity of the sample, and for correcting the indicated 
concentration of a biologically significant component of the sample for the 
concentration(s) of such interferrent(s) so that the effects of the concentration(s) of 

30 such interferrent(s) can be reduced in the indicated concentration of the biologically 
significant component of interest to provide more accurate information on the 
concentration of the biologically significant component of interest. 

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Blood sample studies analyzing the magnitudes of the real and 
imaginary components of the impedance of the equivalent circuit of Fig. 1 have 
estabUshed that in the range of about IKHz-lOKHz, there is very little dependence of 
the imaginary component of impedance on glucose concentration of the sample, while 
5 there is sufficient dependence of the magnitude of impedance on the combination of 
sample temperature and hematocrit to permit a sample first to be subjected to a low- 
magnitude AC signal in this frequency range, the magnitude of impedance to be 
determined, and a combined sample temperature/hematocrit correction factor to be 
combined with the indicated glucose concentration determined using the amperometry 

10 techniques described in, for example, U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 
5,385,846; 5,508,171; 5,437,999; and, U.S.S.N. 08/985,840, to yield a glucose 
concentration corrected for the combined effects of sample temperature and 
hematocrit. Similar techniques can be employed to determine sample volume and 
sample type. The sample volume determination, however, ordinarily will result in a 

1 5 go-no go determination for the remainder of the assay. The sample type determination 
ordinarily will determine whether the instrument proceeds to a glucose concentration 
subroutine including, for example, determination of interferrent correction factors, or 
to a diagnostic subroutine used to set up the instrument for a later glucose 
concentration determination. 

20 Referring to Fig. 2, a strip connector 30 of the general type illustrated 

inU. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; and, 5,508,171, makes 
contact between a disposable amperometric sensor cell or biosensor 3 1 of the general 
type illustrated in those patents and the instrument 32. The indicated glucose 
concentration fiinctionality of the instrument 32 is largely as described in those patents. 

25 However, additional fianctions, namely, the correction of the indicated glucose 

concentration for blood sample volume and the combined effect of sample temperature 
and hematocrit of the blood sample under test, are implemented in the instrument 32 
according to the present invention. It has been established that eight bit analog-to- 
digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) computational power permits the instrument 

30 32 to achieve accuracies in the range of about one-half percent or less. A first terminal 
34-1 of a connector 34 is coupled through a lOKQ resistor to a terminal 36-1 of a 
switch 36. A terminal 36-2 of switch 36 is coupled to the inverting, or input 

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terminal of a difference amplifier 38. An output terminal of amplifier 38 is coupled to 
a terminal 36-3 of switch 36. A terminal 36-4 of switch 36 is coupled to a terminal 34- 
2 of connector 34. DC excitation across the biosensor 3 1 is established by the output 
of amplifier 38. For accurate setting of DC excitation of the biosensor 31, feedback 
5 from terminal 34-1 is returned to the - input terminal of amplifier 38, Terminals 34-1 
and 34-2 contact a common electrode on biosensor 3 1 for enhanced accuracy of 

A terminal 34-3 of connector 34 is coupled to a - input terminal of a 
difference amplifier 42. An output terminal of amplifier 42 is coupled through a 7.5KQ 

10 resistor 44 to the - input terminal thereof The non-inverting, or +, input terminal of 
amplifier 42 is coupled to the common of the circuit power supply. An output terminal 
of amplifier 42 is coupled to an input terminal of a thirteen bit A/D converter 46. An 
output port of A/D converter 46 is coupled to an input port of a processor 48 with 
supporting fimctions which performs the indicated glucose measurement fimctions as 

15 described in U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; and, 

5,508,171. An output port of processor 48 is coupled to an input port of an eight bit 
D/A converter 50. An output terminal of D/A converter 50 is coupled to the + input 
terminal of amplifier 38. The fiinctions of components 38, 42, 46, 48 and 50 
illustratively, although not by any means necessarily, are embodied in an application- 

20 specific integrated circuit(ASIC) 52. The remaining, hematocrit compensating and 

sample volume determining fiinctions of instrument 32 illustratively are embodied in a 
NEC |aPD78054 microprocessor(nP) 54 which also has input A/D and output D/A 
converting capabilities 56 and 58, respectively. In Fig. 2, the input A/D and output 
D/A capabilities 56, 58 are illustrated separately from the processing fiinctions of (iP 

25 54 for purposes of clarity. Terminal 36-4 of switch 36 is coupled to an input terminal 
of A/D converter 56. The output terminal of amplifier 42 is coupled to an input 
terminal of A/D converter 56. The output terminal of D/A converter 58 is coupled 
through a . 1 ^F capacitor and a 400KQ resistor in series to terminal 36-1 of switch 36 
for AC excitation in this example. Here, an AC excitation signal is summed with the 

30 DC excitation provided by amplifier 38. 

The calculations of the real and imaginary components of the AC 
impedance of the biosensor cell 3 1 coupled to terminals 34-1, -2 and -3 are made by 

wo 99/32881 PCTAJS98/27203 


exciting terminal 34-2 of connector 34 at the desired frequency, for example, 1300Hz 
or 10 KHz, at which the parameter to be determined, be it sample identity or volume 
or hematocrit, or whatever other parameter is of interest and can be determined this 
way, varies with sufficient magnitude and phase and is optimally uncoupled from, that 
5 is, is not interfered with by, the concentrations of other components of the blood on 
the cell 31. 

The calculation of the real and imaginary components of the cell 3 1 
impedance from the AC excitation and response are achieved as follows. The eight bit 
excitation samples are N values E(0), E(l), E(2), . . . E(N-l). These values are 

10 developed by sampling the excitation by A/D converter 56. The eight bit response 

samples are N values V(0), V(l), V(2), . . . V(N-1). These values are A/D converted 
by A/D converter 56 and returned to the processor function of |iP 54. Terminal 34-2 
of connector 34 provides the common terminal against which these values are 
referenced. A scale factor K accounts for various gain factors involved in excitation 

15 and measurement. The excitation frequency is F Hz. The sample rate is MF, where M 
illustratively has a value of 5 or more. The period between samples is thus 1/MF sec. 
Arrays S(n) and C(n) of sine and cosine values are calculated and stored in program 
memory in ^P 54 according to the following relations: 

20 S(n) = sin(27TF(n/MF)), n=0 to (N-1) 

C(n)-cos(27uF(n/MF)), n=0 to (N-1). 

The real and imaginary components of excitation are calculated as 

25 follows: 



wo 99/32881 



The real and imaginary components of response are calculated as 
Eim=Y, C{ri)E(n) 


Vre=Y, S(n)V(n) 



Vim=J2 C{n)V{n) 
The magnitudes of the excitation and response are calculated as 


The magnitude of the strip impedance can then be calculated: 


The phase of the strip impedance can also be calculated: 

arctan /Vim\ - arctanMni = Z_Z 
IVre/ \&e/ 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


Thus, a measurement of actual glucose concentration using an 
instrument 32 of the type illustrated in Fig. 2 proceeds as follows. A sample of blood 
is applied to the biosensor 3 1 . Immediately after the instrument 32's electronics detect 
the deposit of the droplet on the biosensor 3 1, an AC signal having a frequency of, for 
5 example, 1300Hz is applied across terminals 34-2—34-3 of connector 34 and the 
resulting current is indirectly sampled by ^iP 54 by measuring the excitation and 
response voltages and using the scale factor to obtain current. The impedance 
magnitude and phase angle are calculated. Using these values, a look-up table in the 
|iiP 54' s program memory is consulted to ascertain the nature of the sample and, if 

1 0 blood, whether there is suflScient volume in the blood sample to proceed with the 
glucose determination phase of the assay. If not, the assay is terminated and this 
outcome is displayed on the instrument 32's display. If there is sufficient volume to 
continue with the glucose determination, an AC signal at another frequency, for 
example, 10 KHz, is applied across terminals 34-2—34-3 of connector 34 and the 

15 resulting current is sampled by ^iP 54. The impedance and phase angle are again 

calculated at this second frequency. A second look-up table in the |liP 54's program 
memory is consulted for an indicated glucose-to-actual glucose correction factor. This 
correction factor may be a constant, for example, zero, for indicated glucose 
concentrations less than a first indicated glucose concentration, and variable for 

20 indicated glucose concentrations greater than that first indicated glucose concentration, 
for example. In any event, that correction is stored, and the determination of the 
indicated glucose concentration proceeds generally as described in U. S. Patents: 
5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; and 5,508,171, for example. Once the 
indicated glucose concentration has been obtained, the correction is then retrieved and 

25 applied to the indicated glucose concentration to arrive at the actual glucose 

concentration which is displayed on the instrument 32's display and/or stored in the 
instrument 32's memory. 

Another embodiment of the invention is illustrated in partly block and 
partly schematic form in Fig. 3. There, an instrument 132 includes a strip connector 

30 130 of the same general type as strip connector 30 illustrated in Fig. 2. Strip 

connector 130 is designed to make contact to a biosensor 3 1. A first terminal 134-1 of 
a coimector 134 is coupled through a lOKQ resistor to a terminal 136-1 of a switch 

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136. A terminal 136-2 of switch 136 is coupled to the - input terminal of a difference 
amplifier 138. An output terminal of amplifier 138 is coupled to a terminal 136-3 of 
switch 136. A terminal 136-4 of switch 136 is coupled to a terminal 134-2 of 
connector 134. DC excitation across the biosensor 3 1 is established by the output of 
5 amplifier 138. For accurate setting of DC excitation of the biosensor 31, feedback 
from terminal 134-1 is returned to the - input terminal of ampHfier 138. Terminals 
134-1 and 134-2 contact a common electrode on biosensor 31 for enhanced accuracy 
of excitation. A terminal 134-3 of connector 134 is coupled to a - input terminal of a 
difference amplifier 142. An output terminal of amplifier 142 is coupled through a 

10 7.5KQ resistor 144 to the - input terminal thereof The + input terminal of amplifier 
142 is coupled to the common of the circuit power supply. An output terminal of 
amplifier 142 is coupled to an input terminal of a thirteen bit A/D converter 146. An 
output port of A/D converter 146 is coupled to an input port of a processor 148 with 
supporting fijnctions which performs the indicated glucose measurement fiinctions as 

15 described in U. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 5,352,351; 5,385,846; and, 

5,508, 171 . An output port of processor 148 is coupled to an input port of an eight bit 
D/A converter 150. An output terminal of D/A converter 150 is coupled to the + input 
terminal of amplifier 138. The fiinctions of components 138, 142, 146, 148 and 150 
illustratively, although not by any means necessarily, are embodied in an ASIC 152. 

20 The real and imaginary components of the AC impedance of the 

biosensor cell 31 coupled to terminals 134-1, -2 and -3 are calculated by excitation 
applied between terminals 134-2 and 134-3 of connector 134 at the desired 
frequencies, for example, by sweeping the low-magnitude AC voltage source 150 
through a suitable frequency range of, for example, .1 Hz - 100 Hz or lOHz - 10 KHz, 

25 throughout some portion or all of which the parameter to be determined, be it sample 
identity, sample volume, sample temperature/hematocrit, oxygen concentration in the 
sample, or whatever other parameter is of interest and can be determined this way, 
varies with suflBcient magnitude and phase and is optimally uncoupled from, that is, 
independent from, the concentrations of other components of the sample on the 

30 cell 31. 

In the embodiment illustrated in Fig. 3, this low magnitude AC voltage 
excitation is summed at a summing junction 152 with an optional DC offiset 156 which 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


may be utilized if it aids the determination of the concentration of the interferent of 
interest. In the illustrated embodiment, the AC voltage and DC offset are both 
generated under the control of a microprocessor ((iP) 158 which may be the same |liP 
which manages the above-mentioned meter 132 functions, or may be a separate iiP. 
5 The (aP 158 will typically be programmed to sweep the AC voltage source 150 and 
adjust the DC offset, depending upon which interferent' s concentration the \xP 158 is 
determining. In this manner, each interferent' s concentration may readily be 
ascertained in the optimum frequency range and at the optimum DC offset for isolation 
of that particular interferent 's concentration. If |liP 158 is used to control sweep and 

10 oflfset, a separate external connection 160 need not be provided from the summing 
junction 152 to the |iP 158. Since |iP 158 is going to determine the frequency 
response of the cell 3 1, the frequencies associated with the determined frequency 
response can be stored in the \iP 158's memory as the frequency response is being 
determined. If some other mechanism is employed in the determination of the 

15 frequency response, however, it may be necessary to provide feedback 160 to the |iP 
158 of the output frequency of source 150, as well as the level of the DC offset 156. 
In any event, isolation of the summing junction 152 and any feedback path 160 from 
the cell 3 1 is provided by an operational amplifier 164 whose input is coupled to 
summing junction 152, and whose output is coupled through a suitably valued resistor 

20 into the feedback path of amplifier 138 to drive the cell 3 1 . Similarly, isolation of the 
cell 3 1 from the frequency response-determining input of |iP 158 is provided by an 
operational amplifier 166 coupled to the output of amplifier 142. Determination of the 
frequency response of the cell 3 1 proceeds in known fashion, for example, by fast 
Fourier transform (FFT) or other known |liP 158-impiemented frequency response 

25 determining mechanism. The frequency response characteristic of the cell 3 1 is then 
compared to the stored frequency response characteristic for the specific interferent 
whose concentration is being determined, an interferent concentration is determined, 
and an associated correction value for the indicated glucose concentration is 
determined and either stored for later use in correcting the indicated glucose 

30 concentration or immediately combined with an indicated glucose concentration to 
achieve a corrected glucose concentration. 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


Again, ordinarily, the instrument 132 will first determine the various 
frequency responses of the cell 3 1 in the various optimally uncoupling frequency 
ranges, with the various optimally uncoupling AC amplitudes and with the various 
optimally uncoupling DC offsets, followed by the determination of the indicated 
5 glucose concentration, followed by correction of the indicated glucose concentration 
for the thus-determined concentrations of the various interferrents. However, and as 
previously noted, it may be desirable under certain circumstances and with certain 
interferrents to have the instrument 132 first determine the indicated concentration of 
glucose before the concentrations of these interferrents are determined. 

1 0 Another embodiment of the invention is illustrated in partly block and 

partly schematic form in Fig. 4. There, an instrument 232 includes a strip connector 
230 of the same general type as strip connector 30 illustrated in Fig. 2. Strip 
connector 230 is designed to make contact to a biosensor 31. A first terminal 234-1 of 
a connector 234 is coupled to the - input terminal of a difference amplifier 238. An 

15 output terminal of amplifier 238 is coupled to a terminal 234-2 of connector 234. DC 
excitation across the biosensor 3 1 is established by the output of ampHfier 238. For 
accurate setting of DC excitation of the biosensor 3 1, feedback from terminal 234-1 is 
returned to the - input terminal of amplifier 238. Terminals 234-1 and 234-2 contact a 
common electrode on biosensor 3 1 for enhanced accuracy of excitation. A terminal 

20 234-3 of connector 234 is coupled to a - input terminal of a difference amplifier 242. 
An output terminal of amplifier 242 is coupled through a 8.25KQ resistor 244 to the - 
input terminal thereof The + input terminal of amplifier 242 is coupled to a 1 .667V 
reference. An output terminal of amphfier 242 is coupled to an input terminal of a 
fourteen bit A/D converter 246. An output port of A/D converter 246 is coupled to an 

25 input port of a processor 248 with supporting functions which performs the indicated 
glucose measurement functions as described inU. S. Patents: 5,243,516; 5,288,636; 
5,352,351; 5,385,846; and, 5,508,171. An output port of processor 248 is coupled to 
an input port of a thirteen bit D/A converter 250. Amplifier 238 and D/A converter 
250 illustratively are integrated into a single device. Amplifier 238 has an open circuit 

30 shutdown mode, permitting switches 36, 136 of the embodiments illustrated in Figs. 2- 
3 to be eliminated and thereby simplifying the circuit somewhat. Otherwise, the circuit 
illustrated in Fig. 4 functions in much the same way as the circuits illustrated in Figs. 2- 

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3. An output terminal of D/A converter 250 is coupled to the + input terminal of 
amplifier 238. The functions of components 238, 242, 246, 248 and 250 illustratively, 
although not by any means necessarily, are embodied in an ASIC 252. The accuracy 
and resolution of D/A converter 250 and A/D converter 246 enable both AC and DC 
5 strip current measurements and thus a circuit simplification. 

Again, it should be understood that the physical and chemical design 
characteristics of a particular cell will, to a large extent, determine the electrical 
characteristics of that cell. Therefore, those physical and chemical design 
characteristics will, to at least the same extent, determine that cell's response to each 

10 interferent, to different sample types, and to different sample volumes. It is not 

possible to predict, for example, in what fi-equency range hematocrit's concentration 
will be optimally uncoupled from uric acid's or bilirubin's without reference to the 
specific physical and chemical characteristics of that cell. Some investigation will be 
required to determine these optimum frequency ranges. However, the investigation 

15 will be relatively routine once the physical and chemical characteristics of the cell are 

The reduction in the time required to achieve a compensated indication 
of the glucose concentration of blood can best be appreciated by referring to Figs. 5-7. 
Fig. 5 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several forty second glucose 

20 concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions. The tests whose 
results are illustrated in Fig. 5 were performed without impedance determination and 
compensation for the combined effects of temperature and hematocrit described above, 
but were compensated for temperature and hematocrit using prior art techniques. 
Fig. 6 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several ten second glucose 

25 concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions. The tests whose 
results are illustrated in Fig. 6 were performed without impedance determination and 
compensation for the combined effects of temperature and hematocrit described above, 
but again were compensated for temperature and hematocrit using prior art techniques. 
Fig. 7 illustrates glucose concentration results achieved in several ten second glucose 

30 concentration determinations with standard glucose test solutions. The tests whose 
results are illustrated in Fig. 7 were performed using impedance determination and 
compensation for the combined effects of temperature and hematocrit described above. 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


It will be appreciated from a comparison of these Figs, that the use of the impedance 
determination and compensation technique described above permits a reduction by a 
factor of four in the time required to achieve comparable glucose concentration 
determination in these test solutions. 

wo 99/32881 




1 . An apparatus for determining the concentration of a medically 
significant component of a biological fluid, the apparatus comprising a cell for 

5 receiving a sample of the fluid, the cell supporting a chemistry which reacts with the 
medically significant component and first and second terminals across which the 
reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed, an 
instrument having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second 
terminals, respectively, of the cell, placement of the first and second terminals of the 

10 cell in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument 

permitting the instrument to assess the reaction, the instrument including an assessment 
controller for applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first 
signal, determining a first correction value in response of the cell to the first signal, 
assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry and 

15 combining the correction value with the result of the reaction assessment to produce 
an indication of the concentration of the medically significant component in the sample. 

2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the assessment controller 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals a 
signal having an AC component. 

20 3, The apparatus of claim 2 wherein the assessment controller 

comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals 
an AC signal. 

4. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the instrument fiirther 
comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 

25 contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the first 
and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument. 

5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein the assessment controller for 
determining a first correction value in response to the first signal comprises an 
assessment controller for feeding back a portion of the first signal appearing at the 

30 third terminal, 

6. The apparatus of claim 5 wherein the assessment controller for 
assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


comprises an assessment controller for appljdng across a pair of the first, second and 
third terminals of the instrument a second signal and assessing the reaction of the 
medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the second signal. 

7. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the assessment controller for 
5 applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal comprises 
an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals of the 
instrument a second signal, determining a second response to the second signal, the 
second response determining if the assessment controller proceeds with the application 
of the first signal. 

10 8. The apparatus of claim 7 wherein the assessment controller for 

applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a second signal 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals a 
signal having an AC component. 

9. The apparatus of claim 8 wherein the assessment controller for 
15 applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a second signal 

comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals 
an AC signal. 

10. The apparatus of claim 2 wherein the instrument fiirther 
comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 

20 contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the first 
and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument. 

1 1 . The apparatus of claim 10 wherein the assessment controller for 
determining a first correction value in response to the first signal comprises an 
assessment controller for feeding back a portion of the first signal appearing at the 

25 third terminal. 

12. The apparatus of claim 1 1 wherein the assessment controller for 
assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across a pair of the first, second and 
third terminals of the instrument a second signal and assessing the reaction of the 

30 medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the second signal. 

13. An apparatus for determining the concentration of a medically 
significant component of a biological fluid, the apparatus comprising a cell for 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


receiving a sample of the fluid, the cell supporting a chemistry which reacts with the 
medically significant component and first and second terminals across which the 
reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed, an 
instrument having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second 
5 terminals, respectively, of the cell, placement of the first and second terminals of the 
cell in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument 
permitting the instrument to assess the reaction, the instrument including an assessment 
controller for applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first 
signal having an AC component, determining a first response of the cell to the first 
10 signal, and determining based upon the first response whether to proceed with the 
determination of the concentration of the medically significant component of the 
biological fluid. 

14. The apparatus of claim 13 wherein the assessment controller for 
applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal comprises 

15 an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals an AC 

15. The apparatus of claim 13 wherein the assessment controller for 
applying across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal comprises 
an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals of the 

20 instrument a second signal, determining a first correction value in response to the 
second signal, and combining the correction value with the result of the reaction 
assessment to produce an indication of the concentration of the medically significant 
component in the sample. 

16. The apparatus of claim 15 wherein the assessment controller for 
25 applying across the first and second terminals a second signal comprises an assessment 

controller for applying across the first and second terminals a second signal having an 
AC component. 

17. The apparatus of claim 16 wherein the assessment controller for 
applying across the first and second terminals a second signal comprises an assessment 

30 controller for applying across the first and second terminals an AC second signal. 

18. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein the instrument fiirther 
comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the first 
and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument. 

19. The apparatus of claim 18 wherein the assessment controller for 
determining a first correction value in response to the second signal comprises an 

5 assessment controller for feeding back a portion of the second signal appearing at the 
third terminal. 

20. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the assessment controller for 
assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across a pair of the first, second and 

1 0 third terminals of the instrument a third signal and assessing the reaction of the 

medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the second signal. 

2 1 . The apparatus of claim 1 5 wherein the instrument fijrther 
comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 
contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the first 

15 and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument. 

22. The apparatus of claim 21 wherein the assessment controller for 
determining a first correction value in response to the second signal comprises an 
assessment controller for feeding back a portion of the second signal appearing at the 
third terminal. 

20 23 . The apparatus of claim 22 wherein the assessment controller for 

assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across a pair of the first, second and 
third terminals of the instrument a third signal and assessing the reaction of the 
medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the third signal. 

25 24. A method for determining the concentration of a medically 

significant component of a biological fluid, the method comprising providing a cell for 
receiving a sample of the fluid, providing on the cell a chemistry which reacts with the 
medically significant component and first and second terminals across which the 
reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed, 

30 providing an instrument having first and second terminals complementary to the first 
and second terminals, respectively, of the cell, placement of the first and second- 
terminals of the cell in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


instrument permitting the instrument to assess the reaction, including in the instrument 
an assessment controller, causing the assessment controller to apply across the first and 
second terminals of the instrument a first signal having an AC component, causing the 
assessment controller to determine a first response of the cell to the first signal, and 
5 causing the assessment controller to determine based upon the first response whether 
to proceed with the determination of the concentration of the medically significant 
component of the biological fluid. 

25. The method of claim 24 wherein the step of applying across the 
first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal comprises applying across the 

10 first and second terminals of the instrument a second signal, determining a first 

correction value in response to the second signal, and combining the first correction 
value with the result of the reaction assessment to produce an indication of the 
concentration of the medically significant component in the sample. 

26. The method of claim 25 wherein the step of applying across the 
15 first and second terminals a second signal comprises applying across the first and 

second terminals an AC second signal. 

27. The method of claim 26 wherein providing an instrument having 
first and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals of the cell 
comprises providing an instrument having first, second and third terminals, placement 

20 of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the first, second and third 
terminals of the instrument permitting the instrument to assess the reaction. 

28. The method of claim 27 wherein determining the second 
response of the cell to the second signal and converting that second response to a first 
correction value comprises feeding back a portion of the second signal appearing at the 

25 third terminal. 

29. The method of claim 28 wherein assessing the reaction of the 
medically significant component with the chemistry comprises applying across a pair of 
the first, second and third terminals of the instrument a third signal and assessing the 
reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the 

30 third signal. 

30. The method of claim 24 wherein providing an instrument having 
first and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals. 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


respectively, of the cell comprises providing an instrument having first, second and 
third terminals, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with 
the first and second terminal of the instrument placing one of the first and second 
terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument. 
5 31. The method of claim 30 wherein determining the correction 

value in response to the second signal comprises feeding back a portion of the second 
signal appearing at the third terminal. 

32. The method of claim 3 1 wherein assessing the reaction of the 
medically significant component with the chemistry comprises applying across a pair of 

10 the first, second and third terminals of the instrument a third signal and assessing the 
reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the 
third signal. 

33 . A method for determining the concentration of a medically 
significant component of a biological fluid, the method comprising providing a cell for 

15 receiving a sample of the fluid, providing the cell with a chemistry which reacts with 
the medically significant component and first and second terminals across which the 
reaction of the chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed, 
providing an instrument having first and second terminals complementary to the first 
and second terminals, respectively, of the cell, placement of the first and second 

20 terminals of the cell in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the 
instrument permitting the instrument to assess the reaction, providing in the instrument 
an assessment controller, causing the assessment controller to apply across the first and 
second terminals of the instrument a first signal, determining a first correction value in 
response to the first signal, assessing the reaction of the medically significant 

25 component with the chemistry, and combining the correction value with the result of 
the reaction assessment to produce an indication of the concentration of the medically 
significant component in the sample. 

34. The method of claim 33 wherein providing an instrument having 
first and second complementary terminals comprises providing an instrument having 

30 first, second and third terminals, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell 
in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument placing 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


one of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the 

35. The method of claim 34 wherein determining a first response of 
the cell to the first signal and converting that first response to a first correction value 
comprises feeding back a portion of the first signal appearing at the third terminal. 

36. The method of claim 35 wherein assessing the reaction of the 
medically significant component with the chemistry comprises applying across a pair of 
the first, second and third terminals of the instrument a second signal and assessing the 
reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry in response to the 
second signal. 

37. The method of claim 33 wherein applying across the first and 
second terminals of the instrument a first signal comprises applying across the first and 
second terminals of the instrument a second signal, determining a second response to 
the second signal, and determining if the assessment controller proceeds with the 
application of the first signal. 

38. The method of claim 33, 34, 35 36 or 37 wherein applying the 
first signal comprises applying a first signal having an AC component. 

39. The method of claim 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 wherein applying the 
first signal comprises applying a first AC signal. 

40. The method of claim 37 wherein applying a second signal 
comprises applying a second signal having an AC component. 

41 . The method of claim 40 wherein applying a second signal 
comprises applying an AC second signal. 

42. An apparatus for determining the concentration of a medically 
significant component of a biological fluid comprising a cell for receiving a sample of 
the fluid, the cell supporting a chemistry which reacts with the medically significant 
component and first and second terminals across which the reaction of the chemistry 
with the medically significant component can be assessed, an instrument having first 
and second terminals complementary to the first and second terminals, respectively, of 
the cell, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the first 
and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument permitting the instrument to 
assess the reaction, the instrument including an assessment controller for applying 

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across the first and second terminals of the instrument a first signal, for determining the 
identity of the sample in response of the cell to the first signal, and for producing an 
indication of the identity of the sample. 

43. The apparatus of claim 42 wherein the assessment controller 

5 comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals a 
signal having an AC component. 

44. The apparatus of claim 43 wherein the assessment controller 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals 
an AC signal. 

10 45 . The apparatus of claim 42 wherein the instrument fiirther 

comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the cell in 
contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the first 
and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the instrument, the 
assessment controller applying across a pair of the first, second and third terminals of 

15 the instrument a second signal, determining a first correction value in response of the 
cell to the second signal, assessing the reaction of the medically significant component 
with the chemistry, and combining the correction value with the result of the reaction 
assessment to produce an indication of the concentration of the medically significant 
component in the sample. 

20 46. The apparatus of claim 45 wherein the assessment controller for 

assessing the reaction of the medically significant component with the chemistry 
comprises an assessment controller for applying across a pair of the first, second and 
third terminals of the instrument a third signal, determining a third response to the third 
signal, the third response determining if the assessment controller proceeds with the 

25 application of at least one of the first and second signals. 

47. The apparatus of claim 42 wherein the assessment controller 
fijrther comprises a third terminal, placement of the first and second terminals of the 
cell in contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument placing one of the 
first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third terminal of the 

30 instrument, the assessment controller applying across a pair of the first, second and 

third terminals of the instrument a second signal, determining a second response to the 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


second signal, the second response determining if the assessment controller proceeds 
with the application of the first signal. 

48. A method for determining the concentration of a medically 
significant component of a biological fluid comprising providing a cell for receiving a 
5 sample of the fluid, providing on the cell a chemistry which reacts with the medically 
significant component and first and second terminals across which the reaction of the 
chemistry with the medically significant component can be assessed, providing an 
instrument having first and second terminals complementary to the first and second 
terminals, respectively, of the cell, placement of the first and second terminals of the 

10 cell in contact with the first and second terminals, respectively, of the instrument 
permitting the instrument to assess the reaction, providing in the instrument an 
assessment controller for applying across the first and second terminals of the 
instrument a first signal, determining the identity of the sample in response of the cell 
to the first signal, and producing an indication of the identity of the sample. 

15 49. The method of claim 48 wherein the step of providing an 

instrument having first and second terminals comprises the step of providing an 
instrument having first, second and third terminals, placement of the first and second 
terminals of the cell in contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument 
placing one of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third 

20 terminal of the instrument, the assessment controller applying across a pair of the first, 
second and third terminals of the instrument a second signal, determining a first 
correction value in response of the cell to the second signal, assessing the reaction of 
the medically significant component with the chemistry, and combining the correction 
value with the result of the reaction assessment to produce an indication of the 

25 concentration of the medically significant component in the sample. 

50. The method of claim 49 wherein the assessment controller 
applies across a pair of the first, second and third terminals of the instrument a third 
signal and determines a third response to the third signal, the third response 
determining if the assessment controller proceeds with the application of at least one of 

30 the first and second signals. 

5 1 . The method of claim 48 wherein the step of providing an 
instrument having first and second terminals comprises the step of providing an 

wo 99/32881 PCT/US98/27203 


instrument having first, second and third terminals, placement of the first and second 
terminals of the cell in contact with the first and second terminals of the instrument 
placing one of the first and second terminals of the cell in contact with the third 
terminal of the instrument, the assessment controller applying across a pair of the first, 
5 second and third terminals of the instrument a second signal and determining a second 
response to the second signal, the second response determining if the assessment 
controller proceeds with the application of the first signal. 

wo 99/32881 



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wo 99/32881 


wo 99/32881 



wo 99/32881 


wo 99/32881 





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wo 99/32881 



Intemationai application No. 


IPC(6) : GOIN 27/26, 27/02, 27/28 

US CL ; 324/444; 204/401, 403; 205/775 
Aooording to International Patent Clagaification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 
U.S. : 324/444; 204/401, 403; 205/775 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documenU are included in the fidds searched 

Electronic daU base consuhed during the intmiational search (name of data base and, where practicable, seaivh tenns used) 
Please See Extra Sheet. 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


US 4,652,830 A (BROWN) 24 March 1987 (24/3/87), see abstract; 
Figures lA-lC, 2, 8A-8E, and lOA-lOC; column 1, lines 42-64; coL 
2, In. 11-15, In. 21-23; col. 4, In. 46-56; and col, 5, In. 40-45; col. 
5, In. 63 - col. 6, In. 25; col. 15, In. 8 - coL 16, In. 55; and col. 
16, In. 56 - col. 17, In. 52. 

US 4,713,347 A (MITCHELL ET AL.) 15 December 1987 
(15/12/87), column 38, Unes 20-25; and col. 40, In. 46-51. 



I x| Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. | | See patent family annex. 

Special categortet of cited document*: 

' documeot defining the general state of the art which is not considered 

to be of particular relevance 

"E" earlier document published on or after the intemationai filing date 

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority ciaim(s) or which is 

cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other 
special reason (as specified) 

"O* document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 


•P* document published prior to the intemationai filing date but latar than 
the priority date claimed 

later document published after the intemationai filing date or priority 
dattt and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand 
the principle or theory underlying the invention 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step 
when the document ti taken alone 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the intemationai search 

08 MARCH 1999 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US 
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks 

Box PCT 

Washington, D.C. 20231 
Facsimile No. (703) 305-3230 

Date of mailing of the intemationai search report 

09 APR 1399 

Telephone No. (703) 308-0661 

Forni PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet)(July 1992)* 


International appUcation No. 


Electronic data bases consulted (Name of data base and where practicable terms used): 

search terms: AC, altemating current, alternating voltage, impedance, imaginaiy, electrode, blood, glucose, oxidase, 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (extra shcet)(July 1992)*